As he gazed into the fire, Drom sighed and shifted his cane from hand to hand. Had it been so long ago when the late Jeadhiort had called war on the Goblins? Ah, how valiantly they had fought against the goblin king's army. How had it started? Oh yes. The slaying of the great shadow dragon.One foolhardy thief had stolen a coin from the massive pile of treasure in the dragon's hoard. Enraged, the dragon would continuously attack the kingdom of Jead. Then the young knight had come, battle-worn and so, so young.He had surprised us all, thought Drom, when he came back after his proclaimed passing. He had returned with a long fang from the dragon's maw, proving its death.The killing of one of his creations enraged the Traitor Shadow Spawn, and he had sent his goblin armies to destroy Jead. They had been beaten back to their own land.Yes, Jeadhiort had declared war on the goblins. He marched proudly at the front of the army with Sir Netiri, the dragonslayer, at his side. Drom remembered holding the Jead banner high.Flapping in the wind, it almost seemed sent from heaven. Bravely had they marched and sailed toward the hellish homeland of the goblins. Upon arriving, they had to travel through the forest of Borgthrin...Chapter One- The Forest"By the sword," Drom exclaimed. "How the blazes does one get through there?" The massive Borgthrin forest loomed over them. The trees the size of clipper shipsstood like towers, daring the Jead army to enter. "With much caution." replied Anchex, the swordsmaster. Being a Dragonos-born dwarf, Anchex's life had always been industrious. He was able to make fine swords by the age of twelve and by twenty could use them better than any forge in Dragonos or Jead."It is rumored the trees are incarnations of warriors long passed." stated Runsa, a dark elf. Standing over any man in Jead's army, Runsa was a wise and nimble being. Also born in Dragonos, Runsa wielded a fine blade sharp enough to cut through crystal. He was a master of Elements, able to use the nature around him and Replicating it to use as weapons or tools. "And that's all they are." said Anchex. "Rumors." "King Jeadhiort approaches!" shouted a soldier nearby.It was easy to tell where the king was because any soldier within sight of him would kneel down in respect. "Arise, my faithful subjects." the deep, melodious voice of the king pervaded the camp, and soldiers rose and went about their business."Swordsmaster?" the king inquired. "I am he," spoke Anchex. "What is it the majesty needs?" "I need," said the tall king, "Weapons. And training." Anchex shifted. "My lord," he said quietly, "Does your army not have the best of training and arms?" "Yes," replied Hiort. "But the training is for me and my royal guard." Runsa's eyebrows rose inquisitively. "You would fight, my lord?" he said in mocking tones. Runsa had disliked the king since he sold his services to him. He thought the king was too weak and unfit for office. "Yes, my mercenary friend." said the king. "Which brings me to you, wizard." Runsa's eyes narrowed. "Could you use your," he paused. "Abilities, maybe, to clear a path through that dark forest?" Runsa shifted. "That accursed wood is swelling with Dark Element, which limits my power greatly.” said Runsa."Very well," said the king, getting up. He nodded to each of the trio in turn. "Drom, Anchex," his eyes narrowed. "Runsa." He turned on his heel and walked off, two guards flanking him. Drom turned to Runsa. "Runsa-" Dark elf cut him off. "Respect those in power, I know, but I just, I just," he sighed. "I don't agree with him." Hours later, they were sitting around a roaring fire. The soldiers all crowded around the blaze, listening to Runsa. He was relating the tale of Utongil, the warrior. As he animatedly waved his arms and spoke in his strong, silvery voice, he used the fire and Replicated it. As his words weaved a web of awe in the soldiers’ minds, the fire brought the tale to life. Minotaurs sliced their enemies, Centaurs charged, pikes lowered, and Utongil cut down his enemies in stunning reality."Then as the smoke drifted from the battlefield, Utongil fought Gorgmith the Evil." Runsa paused to take a breath. "Their blades sparked as they smashed together. Utongil was sent to one knee. Blow after vicious blow rained down on him. Then, his dark enemy hesitated for a second. Utongil swung a mighty stroke, and Gorgmith's head was cast from his body." The figures in the fire disappeared. The only sounds to be heard were the crackling of the fire, and the soft breathing of Runsa. ***(Sorry, but it takes too much room to put paragraphs. :()
The Rest: (By Pageknight)
Chapter 2- Training
Anchex opened his eyes. He was sitting in a marvelous chair in a white room. He heard a scuffle. He instinctively grabbed for his axe. There were three of them! Goblins. The tall leader sneered and swung his wicked-looking cutlass. Anchex barely avoided it. The other two goblins watched and laughed mockingly as the dwarf was attacked. Then, as fast as sky-fire* itself, one of the laughing goblins tripped Anchex, who fell heavily. His axe clattered out of reach. Then the leader lifted his weapon, and for a sickening moment, all was still. Then he brought it down with all his might.
“Ahhhhh!” screamed Anchex as he woke up. “Master swordsman?” Anchex turned slowly to see who called on him. Again, sunlight blazed through the door of the tent, making the unseen opponents unrecognizable. Anchex replied to the silhouettes. “Yes?” “It is time to start the training.” Jeadhiort stepped into the light, along with his two guards. They were dressed in cloaks of green, and carried fine swords at their sides. Familiar swords. Ah! He had made them. “I will meet you in the sands.” said Hiort. He left, cloak swirling in the wind.
Anchex dressed quickly in a light tunic and cloak, strapping his sword to his side and his mighty battle-axe to his back. He stepped out of the tent and was stunned slightly by the glistening sun, which was rising slowly in the East over the sea. He made speed toward the beach and the king, stopping only to grab a bowl of porridge and a mug of watered-down ale. When he arrived at the beach, the king was sparring with his two guards, his fine rapier dancing around their clumsy broadswords.
He balances too much to the left, thought Anchex. A large mistake when fighting heavy weapons, such as his axe or a cutlass. The king twisted his sword and disarmed one guard, and sent him to his knees with a kick. The other guard rushed at him. The king parried two thrusts and slash before disengaging the broadsword and raising the rapier to the guard’s neck. “Bravo!” said Anchex. “Well done.” The other guard, his breath coming in gasps, retrieved his sword and stumbled to the king’s side. The king was filled with concern. “Are you all right?” the guard nodded. “Well,” he said, wiping his hands. “How was that?”
“Very good.” replied Anchex. “You do need some practice in position, though.” Anchex loosened his sword in its scabbard. His hand ran over the smooth leather handle. “Be on your guard!” he shouted as he released his sword from its sheath. He leapt into the air, his sword in both hands above his head. The king grabbed a broadsword from his guard and brought it above his head in a feeble parry. As the swords hit, the shockwaves from the blow traveled down Hiort’s sword, almost making him drop it.
I wonder how well this works.
It Does work! I am testing out stuff.
I KNOW!! We can use this in storys for OOC or Out Of Character
Yes. That would be cool.
That is too much fun!!
Isn't it?
I have more edited stuff, but I'm going to restart. Here's the new stuff.
As he gazed into the fire, Drom sighed and shifted his cane from hand to hand. Had it been so long ago when the late Jeadhiort had called war on the Goblins? Ah, how valiantly they had fought against the goblin king's army. How had it started? Oh yes - the slaying of the great shadow dragon.
One foolhardy thief had stolen a coin from the massive pile of treasure in the dragon's hoard. Enraged, the dragon would continuously attack the kingdom of Jead. Then the young knight had come, battle-worn and so, so young.
He had surprised us all, thought Drom, when he came back after his proclaimed passing. He had returned with a long fang from the dragon's maw, proving its death. The killing of one of his creations enraged the Traitor Shadow Spawn, and he had sent his goblin armies to destroy Jead. They had been beaten back to their own land.
Yes, Jeadhiort had declared war on the goblins. He marched proudly at the front of the army with Sir Netiri, the dragonslayer, at his side. Drom remembered holding the Jead banner high.
Flapping in the wind, it almost seemed sent from heaven. Bravely had they marched and sailed toward the hellish homeland of the goblins. Upon arriving, they had to travel through the forest of Borgthrin...
Chapter One: The Forest
”By the sword!" Drom exclaimed. "How the blazes does one get through there?"
The massive Borgthrin forest loomed over them. The trees the size of clipper ships
stood like towers, daring the Jead army to enter.
"With much caution," replied Anchex, the swordsmaster.
Being a Dragonos-born dwarf, Anchex's life had always been industrious. He was able to make fine swords by the age of twelve and by twenty could use them better than any forge in Dragonos or Jead.
"It is rumored the trees are incarnations of warriors long passed," stated Runsa, a dark elf. Standing over any man in Jead's army, Runsa was a wise and nimble being. Also born in Dragonos, Runsa wielded a fine blade sharp enough to cut through crystal. He was a master of Elements, able to use the nature around him and Replicating it to use as weapons or tools.
"And that's all they are," said Anchex. "Rumors."
"King Jeadhiort approaches!" shouted a soldier nearby. It was easy to tell where the king was because any soldier within sight of him would kneel down in respect.
"Arise, my faithful subjects." The deep, melodious voice of the king pervaded the camp, and soldiers rose and went about their business.
"Swordsmaster?" the king inquired.
"I am he," spoke Anchex. "What is it the majesty needs?"
"I need weapons," said the tall king, "And training."
Anchex shifted. "My lord," he said quietly, "does your army not have the best of training and arms?"
"Yes," replied Hiort. "But the training is for me and my royal guard." Runsa's eyebrows rose inquisitively.
"You would fight, my lord?" he said in mocking tones.
Runsa had disliked the king since he sold his services to him. He thought the king was too weak and unfit for office.
"Yes, my mercenary friend," said the king. "Which brings me to you, wizard." Runsa's eyes narrowed. "Could you use your," he paused, "abilities, maybe, to clear a path through that dark forest?" Runsa shifted.
"That accursed wood is swelling with Dark Element, which limits my power greatly.” said Runsa.
"Very well," said the king, getting up. He nodded to each of the trio in turn. "Drom, Anchex," his eyes narrowed. "Runsa." He turned on his heel and walked off, two guards flanking him.
Drom turned to Runsa. "Runsa---"
Dark elf cut him off. "Respect those in power, I know, but I just, I just," he sighed. "I don't agree with him.”
Hours later, they were sitting around a roaring fire. The soldiers all crowded around the blaze, listening to Runsa. He was relating the tale of Utongil, the warrior. As he animatedly waved his arms and spoke in his strong, silvery voice, he used the fire and Replicated it. If one looked closely, there was a touch of fire in his eyes. As his words weaved a web of awe in the soldiers’ minds, the fire brought the tale to life. Minotaurs sliced their enemies, Centaurs charged, pikes lowered, and Utongil cut down his enemies in stunning reality.
"Then as the smoke drifted from the battlefield, Utongil fought Gorgmith the Evil." Runsa paused to take a breath. "Their blades sparked as they smashed together. Utongil was sent to one knee. Blow after vicious blow rained down on him. Then, his dark enemy hesitated for a second. Utongil swung a mighty stroke, and Gorgmith's head was cast from his body."
The figures in the fire disappeared. The only sounds to be heard were the crackling of the fire, and the soft breathing of Runsa.
Chapter 2 - Training
Anchex opened his eyes. He was sitting in a marvelous chair in a white room. He heard a scuffle. He instinctively grabbed for his axe. There were three of them! Goblins. The tall leader sneered and swung his wicked-looking cutlass. Anchex barely avoided it. The other two goblins watched and laughed mockingly as the dwarf was attacked. Then, as fast as sky-fire* itself, one of the laughing goblins tripped Anchex, who fell heavily. His axe clattered out of reach. Then the leader lifted his weapon, and for a sickening moment, all was still. Then he brought it down with all his might.
“Ahhhhh!” screamed Anchex as he woke up.
“Master swordsman?”
Anchex turned slowly to see who called on him. Again, sunlight blazed through the door of the tent, making the unseen opponents unrecognizable. Anchex replied to the silhouettes.
“It is time to start the training.” Jeadhiort stepped into the light, along with his two guards. They were dressed in cloaks of green, and carried fine swords at their sides. Familiar swords. Ah! He had made them.
“I will meet you in the sands.” said Hiort. He left, cloak swirling in the wind.
Anchex dressed quickly in a light tunic and cloak, strapping his sword to his side and his mighty battle-axe to his back. He stepped out of the tent and was stunned slightly by the glistening sun, which was rising slowly in the East over the sea. He made speed toward the beach and the king, stopping only to grab a bowl of porridge and a mug of watered-down ale. When he arrived at the beach, the king was sparring with his two guards, his fine rapier dancing around their clumsy broadswords.
*Sky-fire- A Jead term for Lightning
He balances too much to the left, thought Anchex. A large mistake when fighting heavy
weapons, such as his axe or a cutlass. The king twisted his sword and disarmed one guard, and sent him to his knees with a kick. The other guard rushed at him. The king parried two thrusts and slash before disengaging the broadsword and raising the rapier to the guard’s neck.
“Bravo!” said Anchex. “Well done.” The other guard, his breath coming in gasps, retrieved his sword and stumbled to the king’s side. The king was filled with concern.
“Are you all right?” The guard nodded. “Well,” he said, wiping his hands. “How was that?”
“Very good,” replied Anchex. “You do need some practice in position, though.” Anchex loosened his sword in its scabbard. His hand ran over the smooth leather handle. “Be on your guard!” he shouted as he released his sword from its sheath. He leapt into the air, his sword in both hands above his head. The king grabbed a broadsword from his guard and brought it above his head in a feeble parry. As the swords hit, the shockwaves from the blow traveled down Hiort’s sword, almost making him drop it.
With a smooth swivel motion, Anchex disarmed Hiort and the razor tip of his blade flitted up, hovering close to Hiort’s neck. The king burst out in merry laughter. “It’s like fighting an infant, isn’t it?” he chuckled. “You just need a little practice.” Anchex replied. He sheathed his sword. “Goblins don’t have that much skill, so in no time you can dance around their cudgels.”
“You will, however,” Anchex warned “need a certain amount of strength and nimbleness if a Greatsword comes.” A goblin Greatsword was a highly trained goblin warrior with a long, cruel blade. The elite of their army, the Greatswords were a feared race. Anchex made no sound as he drew his blade and attacked the king. Again Hiort was disarmed. After a short tutorial, Anchex attacked again. And again. After the morning was long spent, Hiort could hold up for several minutes against the battle-hardened dwarf.
At sun-high, Hiort’s sides were heaving. “Shall we stop?” inquired the swordsmaster. After a few short breaths, Hiort could respond. “I think,” huff, huff, “that would be a good idea.” When Anchex was out of earshot, the king let out a deep breath. “Whew!” He looked over at his guards. “You should try that!”
Chapter 3 - Scouting
The king, now changed into his royal tunic, approached Drom. “Captain Drom?”
The captain looked up from the blade he was sharpening. “Yes?” The king cleared his throat. “I need you to take some of your men and bring them into the forest.” Drom hesitated in his sharpening. “Borgthrin, my lord?” “Yes,” responded Hiort. “And I would wish you to hunt some game. I would like to know if we can replenish our supplies.”
Drom looked up at him. “Have you not heard the tales of Borthrin?” he said. The king paused. Drom sighed. “I may lose many men.” The king fidgeted. “I hope you are willing to take that risk.” Drom began sharpening again. “I will rally my men.” He said, fear edging into his voice.
An hour later, the party stepped into Borgthrin, the colossal trees towering over them. “Three archers that way!” shouted Drom, pointing east. The marksmen obeyed without question. “Two archers that way!” He shouted, pointing south. The hunters went their way. “The rest of you,” he shouted, looking around his remaining troops. “Follow me.” He raised his bow and plunged into the darkness of the forest.
After an unsuccessful hunt, all they had was a tiny rodent with razor fangs. “Screeeee!” The death cry of some evil creature pierced the ears of those in Drom’s party. “What dark animal was that?!” he whispered. “Over here!” the cry of an archer drifted through the woods. After a short search, they found the hunter.
In his hand hung a large beast, resembling a squirrel with two “wings” stretching from its front legs to its back legs. The tips of the wings were lethally sharp. An arrow’s tip protruded from the thing’s back, the edge stained with crimson blood. Drom suddenly remembered the old stories the Bard would tell when he came to town. Ah! That’s what it was. A pataguim, a flying squirrel. These vile rodents had evolved over time to become huge, winged devils.
“It flew out of the trees, screaming. Its jaws were bared, its claws unsheathed. It landed on Fenciel and killed him instantly.” The archer shivered. “I pulled an arrow out as it flew at me. I fired just in time.” The archer tossed the pataguim on the ground. I think there’s more of them.”
“Kakakacreeee!” An animal’s call rang out. The soldiers looked about nervously. “KakaCREEE!” The cry was repeated again and again. The archers formed a defensive circle, bows outward. A pataguim flew out of a tree, running into the ground hard as an arrow found its mark. Chink! Drom spun and slashed with his knife, catching a pataguim’s wing. A claw brushed his cheek, etching a long, dark mark. He fired his bow and was rewarded with a sharp cry. “Daaaahhh!” An archer was taken down. Another soldier ran to avenge his comrade, but was cut from above. Shing! Drom turned quickly. An archer had drawn his sword. “Out of arrows.” Drom nodded and turned, injuring an enemy with a swipe.
“Aahhh!” Another archer down. Things were not looking good. As archer after archer was slain, the circle of enemies about them suddenly closed. For a moment all was still. A pataguim, larger than the rest, started speaking in foreign and harsh tones. Kreekarra! Kreekokarra! Kaka! Kaka! Kaakaaaaaa!!! The chant was taken up by the other pataguims.
Then, a long rope of ivy snaked quickly around the leader pataguim’s neck, quickly killing him. The other rodents were stunned into silence. But before they could think, it seemed as if the forest collapsed around them. The leaves became as razors, slicing and cutting. The ivy strangled, the dirt blinded.
And though through it all, the scouting party was not harmed. They just looked on in stunned silence as a tall figure in a heavy cloak strode through the pandemonium. The figure’s head was like the earth it self, dirt and dust, swirling about. It’s eyes were a piercing green, and yet were in harmony with the forest around them. The creature had one hand raised; palm up, to shoulder level. The hand was engulfed in a green smoke and some flame. A handful of leaves was just visible. A wizard! Better yet, a replicater.
All the pataguims flew up, higher than the canopy, then disappeared over the treetops. Drom looked over at the wizard. As with wizards, the dirt and leaves slowly dissipated, revealing elven features, and leaving only the solid green eyes. Then those too swirled and misted away, revealing a familiar face. “Runsa!”
I think I'll be a weather witch. Here is the description: Kjiato watched the storm brew on the wall of the kingdom, it's fury beginning to rage. The storm settled over her, twisting and churning near her. Lighting struck Kjiato over and over and it twirled around her red-blonde hair. She laughed and smiled toward the heavens letting the lighting sink into her. Her eyes, and ever changing blue color, now with streaks of yellow in them, flashed with triump, for the lighting did not hurt her... She was a weather witch.
*A weather witch controls weather and natural forces: Tides,lava,lighting,cyclones and other weather.
On line 10 and is an
Kjiato can control wind too. Is that an agreeable character?
I will post when you consent to the character.
Actually.. I have an idea! What if I play my character as if she is 8 or 9ish and is unaware of her power. She can be extremly powerful and the group can find her somewhere random.
Same look though, with weird eyes.
Sure; let's make her in the forest or something. Maybe the army starts into the forest and meets her, Runsa takes her under his wing, something like that.
By the way, when Runsa is talking to the king, he is partially lying about his power.
What's with the picture, (cool as it is)?
A knife. We should use it later on as a magical knife. (Mwahahahaaa!)
Okie. I might delete the old version of the story if that is alright. Or make a new post. Which do ya prefer and detailish please. Should my girl have an accent? If yes what type do ya prefer? This one? Runsa should be her mentor, I think. Should he have a type of power so he isn't 'all powerful' Hears some types:
TO be able to scry the future and see magic as well as other things such as make things in fire, make things float, and suchy more.
TO control plants and make them do his will. (Quite useful.)
TO control metals and other metal.
TO control water and make it do his will.
To heal all matters of injuries.
Consult me to combine or rearrange powers. (All powers have energy limits. IN other words you must sleep and rest after doing numerous or hard spells.)
Is that workable? You can ignore the types of magic if you please, but I think if he has 'powers' he should be limited a little.
Hellooooo? Anyone there?
Yes. But that doesn't mean I have anything to say. Because I don't.
XD Of course!
I like your band names, death.
Why are you in Italy, death. It seems kind of odd that your location is Social Studies Classroom : School : Italy. Just wondering.
Well... When I last changed my profile we where studing Rome. (In Italy, but I had to put S.S. classroom and school for it to make any sense. (Which it didn't anyway, clearly))
It did then, but now we're not studying Rome anymore. We're in France and Germany.
Guess what? May 25 is Towel Day. Just so you know.
Also, we saw Watership Down earlier.
I love that movie.
The book is better. Much better. But so do I. I love Kehaar, don't you? Wikipedia has a whole section on him. It's rather small, but it's there. And my name is specifically mentioned in the section about Lapine. However, Thethuthinnang herself is barely mentioned, except for being one of Hazel's rabbits and that the meaning of her name (which is a Lapine name) is "Movement fo Leaves." Look at the things I learned just by finding out the spelling of Kehaar's name.
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