This is where I get my inspiration in writing medieval fantasy. I absolutely adore these books!! *shoves all the books ever written by Tamora Pierce in your hands* :) I have read the Wild Magic series, the Protector of the Small series, the Song of the Lioness series, and all the other series in that kind of series of series. In other words, each series is based on one person, but this person meets or knows the people wrote about in the other series. It is kind of confusing to read this, but the books are amazing. I really recommend them. There are trickster gods, fantasy beasts, and much, much more. I haven't read the Circle of Magic though. I can read the rest over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and never get bored. Unlike how you did as I wrote 'and over' over and over and over again. Unless you were smart and skipped over them. :D
Get them at your local library!! Enjoy.
My friend actually went and saw Tamora Pierce at a bookstore.
Awesome!!!! I would have completly died to do that! Well, at least after I went and saw her.
I still need to contact Ashley. I forgot to, even though she is in ALL of my classes!!! Except for 1.
Just playing around with word verifocation. :)
Just making sure you are not the computer. :D
That anonymous comment was me, just ta tell ya'.
Try this story. I just wrote it. (This is only the first chapter.)
(No Title Yet)
As he gazed into the fire, Drom sighed and shifted his cane from hand to hand. Had it been so long ago when the late Jeadhiort had called war on the Goblins? Ah, how valiantly they had fought against the goblin king's army. How had it started? oh yes. The slaying of the great shadow dragon.
One foolhardy thief had stolen a coin from the massive pile of treasure in the dragon's hoard. Enraged, the dragon would continuosly attack the kingdom of Jead. Then the young knight had come, battle-worn and so, so young.
He had suprised us all, thought Drom, when he came back after his proclaimed passing. He had returned with a long fang from the dragon's maw, proving its death.
The killing of one of his creations enraged the Traitor Shadow Spawn, and he had sent his goblin armies to destroy Jead. They had been beaten back to their own land.
Yes Jeadhiort had declared war on the goblins. He marched proudly at the front of the army with Sir Netiri, the dragonslayer, at his side.Drom remembered holding the Jead banner high.
Flapping in the wind, it almost seemed sent from heaven. Bravely had they marched and sailed toward the hellish homeland of the goblins. Upon arriving, they had to travel through the forest of Borgthrin...
Chapter One- The Forest
"By the sword," Brom exclaimed. "How the blazes does one get through there?" The massive Borgthrin forest loomed over them. The trees the size of clipper ships
stood like towers, daring the Jead army to enter. "With much caution." replied Anchex, the swordsmaster. Being a Dragonos-born dwarf, Anchex's life had always been industrious. He was able to make fine swords by the age of twelve and by twenty could use them better than any forge in Dragonos or Jead.
"It is rumored the trees are incarnations of warriors long passed." stated Runsa, a dark elf. Standing over any man in Jead's army, Runsa was a wise and nimble being. Also born in Dragonos, Runsa wielded a fine blade sharp enough to cut through crystal. He was a master of Elements, able to ust the nature around him and Replicating it to use as weapons or tools. "And that's all they are." said Anchex. "Rumors." "King Jiodhiort approaches!" shouted a soldier nearby.
It was easy to tell where the king was because any soldier within sight of him would kneel down in respect. "Arise, my faithful subjects." the deep, melodious voice of the king pervaded the camp, and soldiers rose a nd went about their business.
"Swordsmaster?" the king inquired. "I am he," spoke Anchex. "What is it the majesty needs?" "I need," said the tall king, "Weapons. And training." Anchex shifted. "My lord," he said quietly, "Does your army not hva the best of training and arms?" "Yes," replied Hiort. "But the training is for me and my royal guard." Runsa's eyebrows raised inquisitively. "You would fight, my lord?" he said in mocking tones.
Runsa had disliked the king since he sold his services to him. He thought the king was too weak and unfit for office. "Yes, my mercenary friend." said the king. "Which brings me to you, wizard." Runsa's eyes narrowed. "Could you use your," he paused. "Abilities, maybe, to clear a path through that dark forest?" Runsa shifted. "That accursed wood is swelling with Dark Element, which limits my power greatly." said Runsa.
"Very well," said the king, getting up. He nodde to each of the trio in turn. "Drom Anchex," his eyes narrowed. "Runsa." He turned on his heel and walked off, two guards flanking him. Drom turned to Runsa. "Runsa-" Dark elf cut him off. "Respect those in power, I know, but I just, I just," he sighed. "I don't agree with him.
Hours later, they were sitting around a roaring fire. The soldiers all crowded around the blaze, listening to Runsa. He was relating the tale of Utongil, the warrior. As he animatedly waved his arms and spoke in his strong, silvery voice, he used the fire and Replicated it. As his words weaved a web of awe in the soldiers minds, the fire brought the tale to life. Minotaurs sliced their enemies, Centaurs charged, pikes lowered, and Utongil cut down his enemies in stunning reality.
"Then as the smoke drifted from the battlefield, Utongil fought Gorgmith the Evil." Runsa paused to take a breath. "Their blades sparked as they smashed together. Utongil was sent to one knee. Blow after vicious blow rained down on him. Then, his dark enemy hesitated for a second. Utongil swung a mighty stroke, and Gorgmith's head was cast from his body."
The figures in the fire disappeared. The only sounds to be heard was the crackling of the fire, and the soft breathing of Runsa.
I just copied the story onto word to spellcheck it. Here is the revised version.
As he gazed into the fire, Drom sighed and shifted his cane from hand to hand. Had it been so long ago when the late Jeadhiort had called war on the Goblins? Ah, how valiantly they had fought against the goblin king's army. How had it started? Oh yes. The slaying of the great shadow dragon.
One foolhardy thief had stolen a coin from the massive pile of treasure in the dragon's hoard. Enraged, the dragon would continuously attack the kingdom of Jead. Then the young knight had come, battle-worn and so, so young.
He had surprised us all, thought Drom, when he came back after his proclaimed passing. He had returned with a long fang from the dragon's maw, proving its death.
The killing of one of his creations enraged the Traitor Shadow Spawn, and he had sent his goblin armies to destroy Jead. They had been beaten back to their own land.
Yes, Jeadhiort had declared war on the goblins. He marched proudly at the front of the army with Sir Netiri, the dragonslayer, at his side. Drom remembered holding the Jead banner high.
Flapping in the wind, it almost seemed sent from heaven. Bravely had they marched and sailed toward the hellish homeland of the goblins. Upon arriving, they had to travel through the forest of Borgthrin...
Chapter One- The Forest
"By the sword," Drom exclaimed. "How the blazes does one get through there?" The massive Borgthrin forest loomed over them. The trees the size of clipper ships
stood like towers, daring the Jead army to enter. "With much caution." replied Anchex, the swordsmaster. Being a Dragonos-born dwarf, Anchex's life had always been industrious. He was able to make fine swords by the age of twelve and by twenty could use them better than any forge in Dragonos or Jead.
"It is rumored the trees are incarnations of warriors long passed." stated Runsa, a dark elf. Standing over any man in Jead's army, Runsa was a wise and nimble being. Also born in Dragonos, Runsa wielded a fine blade sharp enough to cut through crystal. He was a master of Elements, able to use the nature around him and Replicating it to use as weapons or tools. "And that's all they are." said Anchex. "Rumors." "King Jeadhiort approaches!" shouted a soldier nearby.
It was easy to tell where the king was because any soldier within sight of him would kneel down in respect. "Arise, my faithful subjects." the deep, melodious voice of the king pervaded the camp, and soldiers rose and went about their business.
"Swordsmaster?" the king inquired. "I am he," spoke Anchex. "What is it the majesty needs?" "I need," said the tall king, "Weapons. And training." Anchex shifted. "My lord," he said quietly, "Does your army not have the best of training and arms?" "Yes," replied Hiort. "But the training is for me and my royal guard." Runsa's eyebrows rose inquisitively. "You would fight, my lord?" he said in mocking tones.
Runsa had disliked the king since he sold his services to him. He thought the king was too weak and unfit for office. "Yes, my mercenary friend." said the king. "Which brings me to you, wizard." Runsa's eyes narrowed. "Could you use your," he paused. "Abilities, maybe, to clear a path through that dark forest?" Runsa shifted. "That accursed wood is swelling with Dark Element, which limits my power greatly.” said Runsa.
"Very well," said the king, getting up. He nodded to each of the trio in turn. "Drom, Anchex," his eyes narrowed. "Runsa." He turned on his heel and walked off, two guards flanking him. Drom turned to Runsa. "Runsa-" Dark elf cut him off. "Respect those in power, I know, but I just, I just," he sighed. "I don't agree with him.
Hours later, they were sitting around a roaring fire. The soldiers all crowded around the blaze, listening to Runsa. He was relating the tale of Utongil, the warrior. As he animatedly waved his arms and spoke in his strong, silvery voice, he used the fire and Replicated it. As his words weaved a web of awe in the soldiers’ minds, the fire brought the tale to life. Minotaurs sliced their enemies, Centaurs charged, pikes lowered, and Utongil cut down his enemies in stunning reality.
"Then as the smoke drifted from the battlefield, Utongil fought Gorgmith the Evil." Runsa paused to take a breath. "Their blades sparked as they smashed together. Utongil was sent to one knee. Blow after vicious blow rained down on him. Then, his dark enemy hesitated for a second. Utongil swung a mighty stroke, and Gorgmith's head was cast from his body."
The figures in the fire disappeared. The only sounds to be heard were the crackling of the fire, and the soft breathing of Runsa.
This next piece of writing is part of chapter 2.
Chapter 2- Training
Anchex opened his eyes. He was sitting in a marvelous chair in a white room. He heard a scuffle. He instinctively grabbed for his axe. There were three of them! Goblins. The tall leader sneered and swung his wicked-looking cutlass. Anchex barely avoided it. The other two goblins watched and laughed mockingly as the dwarf was attacked. Then, as fast as sky-fire* itself, one of the laughing goblins tripped Anchex, who fell heavily. His axe clattered out of reach. Then the leader lifted his weapon, and for a sickening moment, all was still. Then he brought it down with all his might.
“Ahhhhh!” screamed Anchex as he woke up. “Master swordsman?” Anchex turned slowly to see who called on him. Again, sunlight blazed through the door of the tent, making the unseen opponents unrecognizable. Anchex replied to the silhouettes. “Yes?” “It is time to start the training.” Jeadhiort stepped into the light, along with his two guards. They were dressed in cloaks of green, and carried fine swords at their sides. Familiar swords. Ah! He had made them. “I will meet you in the sands.” said Hiort. He left, cloak swirling in the wind.
Anchex dressed quickly in a light tunic and cloak, strapping his sword to his side and his mighty battle-axe to his back. He stepped out of the tent and was stunned slightly by the glistening sun, which was rising slowly in the East over the sea. He made speed toward the beach and the king, stopping only to grab a bowl of porridge and a mug of watered-down ale. When he arrived at the beach, the king was sparring with his two guards, his fine rapier dancing around their clumsy broadswords.
He balances too much to the left, thought Anchex. A large mistake when fighting heavy weapons, such as his axe or a cutlass. The king twisted his sword and disarmed one guard, and sent him to his knees with a kick. The other guard rushed at him. The king parried two thrusts and slash before disengaging the broadsword and raising the rapier to the guard’s neck. “Bravo!” said Anchex. “Well done.” The other guard, his breath coming in gasps, retrieved his sword and stumbled to the king’s side. The king was filled with concern. “Are you all right?” the guard nodded. “Well,” he said, wiping his hands. “How was that?”
“Very good.” replied Anchex. “You do need some practice in position, though.” Anchex loosened his sword in its scabbard. His hand ran over the smooth leather handle. “Be on your guard!” he shouted as he released his sword from its sheath. He leapt into the air, his sword in both hands above his head. The king grabbed a broadsword from his guard and brought it above his head in a feeble parry. As the swords hit, the shockwaves from the blow traveled down Hiort’s sword, almost making him drop it.
I am going to make a new post for this so it is easily found. What kind of character shall I play? Give me an idea or two
And pageknight complains about ME not being on. Hmmmm.
I am extremly BORED as you can probably tell.
Yes, I can tell, death.
I am not as bored as I usually am in Social Studies, though. For the most part.
That's good.
I know :)
So pageknight, are you ever going to be on bloggie? It is nice that you finally wrote Ashley, though.
What's bloggie?
My amazing word for Blogspot which is the name of where my and pageknight's blogs are located.
I think the cover for Wild Magic is a bit ramrod.
What... why.. What happened to the story?
I have not a clue. It doesn't make any sense! When I last was on here it wasn't deleted!!!! And I definitly didn't delete it.
I have not a clue. It doesn't make any sense! When I last was on here it wasn't deleted!!!! And I definitly didn't delete it.
I did delete another post, though. I was playing around with 'blog this' and I deleted the post I made for it. But not the other one. I just changed the title.
Ok, here's the scope.. I changed the title and must have pressed draft rather than publish. So I didn't delete it. *whew*
ooo cool. This was an AMAZING book and im a guy so thats unusiwal
If you are wondering who I am, Im a friend of Pageknight's. I one of a few friends of his at his new school. HE ROCK DA HOUSE!!
Um.. Okay. Well, you can RP if you want to here, but try to use good grammer and spelling. As you might be able to tell, I'm an English freak. :D So is thing. (Thing=Thethuthinnang)
Like my rockin' awesome new picture. I felt it was about itme to change it. But I'm still open for more ideas!
Yes. I love your picture, death. And by the way, just in case you are planning on coming here often and might possiby want to adress or talk about me, pyro_mage, only death (Deathwriter) can call me thing. For everyone else, it's Thethuthinnang
Thankie! I do love my picture, too. <3 (That is a heart)
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