Depart from the road
Of the wise and the rational.
Put down your load
And watch others follow.
Dream of the day
When the sky's merely blue
And the animals of the wood
Avoid looking at you.
Leave the beaten down trail
As soft as a dream
With the destination
Always in reach
The world will frown
As you spit in its face,
But Competition is fierce.
Life's no kind race.
Insanity beckons,
Shun its sweet touch.
Freedom will reckon
You ilk to feel such.
Though many a plan
Will spring to your mind,
Lose yourself to
A sudden Devise.
Many a person
With wisdom can tell
Why back to rationality
Your mind should meld.
They say that they know
Which direction to choose
In that long race of life
So that you may not lose.
They tell you rational roads
Are the best to go down
Known for many a year
To provide most satisfaction.
Easily is their lie unraveled,
For the beaten down road
Is the most widely traveled
And so, sure to be crowded.
If you want to win races
A new path must you find
One without any faces.
However, before it is begun;
Depart from the road
Of the wise and the rational.
Put down your load
And watch others follow.
Leave behind all your sorrows,
Destroy all your woes.
Be free.
Let go.
Muted Sanity
Depart from the road
Of the wise and the rational.
Put down your load.
And watch others follow.
Leave behind all your sorrows.
Destroy all your woes.
Be free.
Let go.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Friday, August 03, 2007
Why The Idle Person Cries
This is my random post, made for no specific reason. Feel free to post whatever you feel encouraged to do. I will probably delete this post thing soon, for lacking a better thing to do. (Which, by the way, is what I am lacking now. :D) So enjoy it while it lasts.
Monday, December 11, 2006
I am thinking
By Pageknight @ 

As he gazed into the fire, Drom sighed and shifted his cane from hand to hand. Had it been so long ago when the late Jeadhiort had called war on the Goblins? Ah, how valiantly they had fought against the goblin king's army. How had it started? Oh yes. The slaying of the great shadow dragon.One foolhardy thief had stolen a coin from the massive pile of treasure in the dragon's hoard. Enraged, the dragon would continuously attack the kingdom of Jead. Then the young knight had come, battle-worn and so, so young.He had surprised us all, thought Drom, when he came back after his proclaimed passing. He had returned with a long fang from the dragon's maw, proving its death.The killing of one of his creations enraged the Traitor Shadow Spawn, and he had sent his goblin armies to destroy Jead. They had been beaten back to their own land.Yes, Jeadhiort had declared war on the goblins. He marched proudly at the front of the army with Sir Netiri, the dragonslayer, at his side. Drom remembered holding the Jead banner high.Flapping in the wind, it almost seemed sent from heaven. Bravely had they marched and sailed toward the hellish homeland of the goblins. Upon arriving, they had to travel through the forest of Borgthrin...Chapter One- The Forest"By the sword," Drom exclaimed. "How the blazes does one get through there?" The massive Borgthrin forest loomed over them. The trees the size of clipper shipsstood like towers, daring the Jead army to enter. "With much caution." replied Anchex, the swordsmaster. Being a Dragonos-born dwarf, Anchex's life had always been industrious. He was able to make fine swords by the age of twelve and by twenty could use them better than any forge in Dragonos or Jead."It is rumored the trees are incarnations of warriors long passed." stated Runsa, a dark elf. Standing over any man in Jead's army, Runsa was a wise and nimble being. Also born in Dragonos, Runsa wielded a fine blade sharp enough to cut through crystal. He was a master of Elements, able to use the nature around him and Replicating it to use as weapons or tools. "And that's all they are." said Anchex. "Rumors." "King Jeadhiort approaches!" shouted a soldier nearby.It was easy to tell where the king was because any soldier within sight of him would kneel down in respect. "Arise, my faithful subjects." the deep, melodious voice of the king pervaded the camp, and soldiers rose and went about their business."Swordsmaster?" the king inquired. "I am he," spoke Anchex. "What is it the majesty needs?" "I need," said the tall king, "Weapons. And training." Anchex shifted. "My lord," he said quietly, "Does your army not have the best of training and arms?" "Yes," replied Hiort. "But the training is for me and my royal guard." Runsa's eyebrows rose inquisitively. "You would fight, my lord?" he said in mocking tones. Runsa had disliked the king since he sold his services to him. He thought the king was too weak and unfit for office. "Yes, my mercenary friend." said the king. "Which brings me to you, wizard." Runsa's eyes narrowed. "Could you use your," he paused. "Abilities, maybe, to clear a path through that dark forest?" Runsa shifted. "That accursed wood is swelling with Dark Element, which limits my power greatly.” said Runsa."Very well," said the king, getting up. He nodded to each of the trio in turn. "Drom, Anchex," his eyes narrowed. "Runsa." He turned on his heel and walked off, two guards flanking him. Drom turned to Runsa. "Runsa-" Dark elf cut him off. "Respect those in power, I know, but I just, I just," he sighed. "I don't agree with him." Hours later, they were sitting around a roaring fire. The soldiers all crowded around the blaze, listening to Runsa. He was relating the tale of Utongil, the warrior. As he animatedly waved his arms and spoke in his strong, silvery voice, he used the fire and Replicated it. As his words weaved a web of awe in the soldiers’ minds, the fire brought the tale to life. Minotaurs sliced their enemies, Centaurs charged, pikes lowered, and Utongil cut down his enemies in stunning reality."Then as the smoke drifted from the battlefield, Utongil fought Gorgmith the Evil." Runsa paused to take a breath. "Their blades sparked as they smashed together. Utongil was sent to one knee. Blow after vicious blow rained down on him. Then, his dark enemy hesitated for a second. Utongil swung a mighty stroke, and Gorgmith's head was cast from his body." The figures in the fire disappeared. The only sounds to be heard were the crackling of the fire, and the soft breathing of Runsa. ***(Sorry, but it takes too much room to put paragraphs. :()
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Tamora Pierce

This is where I get my inspiration in writing medieval fantasy. I absolutely adore these books!! *shoves all the books ever written by Tamora Pierce in your hands* :) I have read the Wild Magic series, the Protector of the Small series, the Song of the Lioness series, and all the other series in that kind of series of series. In other words, each series is based on one person, but this person meets or knows the people wrote about in the other series. It is kind of confusing to read this, but the books are amazing. I really recommend them. There are trickster gods, fantasy beasts, and much, much more. I haven't read the Circle of Magic though. I can read the rest over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and never get bored. Unlike how you did as I wrote 'and over' over and over and over again. Unless you were smart and skipped over them. :D
Get them at your local library!! Enjoy.
Friday, September 15, 2006
When the Sun Goes Down

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