Depart from the road
Of the wise and the rational.
Put down your load
And watch others follow.
Dream of the day
When the sky's merely blue
And the animals of the wood
Avoid looking at you.
Leave the beaten down trail
As soft as a dream
With the destination
Always in reach
The world will frown
As you spit in its face,
But Competition is fierce.
Life's no kind race.
Insanity beckons,
Shun its sweet touch.
Freedom will reckon
You ilk to feel such.
Though many a plan
Will spring to your mind,
Lose yourself to
A sudden Devise.
Many a person
With wisdom can tell
Why back to rationality
Your mind should meld.
They say that they know
Which direction to choose
In that long race of life
So that you may not lose.
They tell you rational roads
Are the best to go down
Known for many a year
To provide most satisfaction.
Easily is their lie unraveled,
For the beaten down road
Is the most widely traveled
And so, sure to be crowded.
If you want to win races
A new path must you find
One without any faces.
However, before it is begun;
Depart from the road
Of the wise and the rational.
Put down your load
And watch others follow.
Leave behind all your sorrows,
Destroy all your woes.
Be free.
Let go.