The first rays of the dawning sun splashed the fields with their light. "Finally!" a girl around the age of 18 said aloud to herself. "Finally!" For her the sun was a hero, a protector, a ray of hope. Quite literally, actually. The Hiyanre could not survive any light of the sun, however small. Though next full moon, it would return as it always did, as it always will. The Hiyanre was the Darkness, the evil, the sadness and horror. The Hiyanre. To almost anyone else it would be gibberish, a word with no meaning. But to her, since she was the picked one, it meant everything. She had been picked, from a handful other chosen, to be the Jiyane, the general. Though they had been officially chosen at birth all who had been chosen knew this: It had been known for all eternity, by the one who called himself the Receiver. Passed down from generation to generation, by the Receivers had been this prophecy, it's true words not known completely, for a hundred years ago the dark had found the Receiver of that time. So now, only segments were known of these words. It was known that for all the positions of the court there would be a man and a woman that would share their duties. There would be a queen and king, Jiyane and another Jiyane, an advisor and another advisor, and so on. Viarrinmeji, called Viarri by most, was the Jiyane. She knew not who the other ones were, but she knew her mission, which was to find the queen who, unlike the others, did not know the prophecy, or her part in it. So Viarri must find her. That was her first quest. And she must complete it. (OCC: Have fun!! I kinda stink, but forgive me. If you disagree with something, please tell me. I think thing hates prophecies, so sorry thing, but I can't change it.(Or don't want to))